As per a recent report a year back, one in every three pregnant women confront the problem of water retention. During pregnancy, a female body produces 50% more blood and fluids to satisfy the needs of maturing baby. Swelling is a common problem during pregnancy, which is caused by additional body fluids and blood. Usually, swelling in medical terms pronounced known as edema, is usually experienced in feet, legs, face, hands, and ankles.
The extra retention of blood and water in the body often soften up the body, which causes it to expand as the baby matures week after week. Also, for a safe extra fluid allows the pelvis to open for a safe delivery. It accounts for approx 25% of woman body weight gain at the pregnancy.
When Does Swelling occurs During Pregnancy?
Swelling may be experienced during any phase of 40 weeks of pregnancy, but, usually, it tends to be noticed around the fifth month of pregnancy, and augments when the pregnant female is her third trimester.
The Following Factors Which Cause Swelling Include:
● Standing for Long Duration of Time
● Rigorous Daily Activities
● Summer Time Heat
● Having Diet Low in Potassium
● High Intake of Caffeine
● High Consumption of Sodium
Slight swelling is quite common pregnancy, however, if you experience sudden water retention on your face or hand, it could be Preeclampsia. So, it is important to consult a health specialist for advice.
The swelling in feet and ankles could cause intense discomfort and in some cases, painful too.
Take a Look at the Precautions to Follow to Prevent Water Retention:
1. Reduce the Intake of Sodium
During the first few months of pregnancy, some of them pregnant women experience great craving for salted foods, however, as the global studies and dieticians, it is not good practice. By reducing your salt intake significantly you prevent swelling and reduce it.
2. Say No to Sedentary Lifestyle
Always take a short stroll after every half an hour, sitting at one place for sitting at one place is not good for your health, as it increases the level of fluids in the body causing extreme discomfort. Also, don’t sit with your legs hanging, keep your legs elevated to avoid water retention. Sleep with legs over the pillow. These small things will help you to prevent and reduce swelling significantly.
3. Say No Caffeine
Drinks rich in caffeine content can cause swelling, since, it is diuretic and accumulates water and prevents excretion. Instead, go for fruit drinks and keep your thirst quenched with water.
4. Drink Sufficient Water
Ironically, drinking more water can reduce water retention. During pregnancy, when the body feels there is a water requirement in the body, its releases extra water along with toxic causing water retention.
These four tips will help just about every pregnant woman to experience positive results, if followed correctly.