Appetite Loss During Pregnancy-Causes and What to Do

The first few weeks of pregnancy affects every woman in a unique way, many experience sleepless nights and dizzy
afternoons, while some have appetite loss. To a certain extent, it’s quite normal that you don’t have hunger pangs,
but if it completely takes away your appetites, then, you need to worry about this health issue during pregnancy, which around 70 to 85 percent of women confront.

What Leads to Loss of Appetite?

Well, there are a number of factors which contribute to poor appetite, the biggest being, the significant body adjustments that take place in a woman’s body during 40 weeks of pregnancy to leverage space for developing foetuses. That’s why in early stages, appetite loss is absolutely normal, and nothing to concern about as long this scenario doesn’t last too long. The biggest possibility of this condition to happen is near the end of the first trimester and into the second trimester, as during this time period the digestive system becomes a bit sluggish, and nausea becomes far more prevalent.

Eat More for a Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy is often associated with a ravenous appetite for scrumptious stuff, right from french fries, ice cream, pizza, to pickles. Therefore, pregnancy, is indeed that special phase in an adult woman’s life, when she appreciate gaining some extra pounds, don’t feel timid to munch every two hours.

But, just as your family begins to stock the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets, you have loss of appetite-nausea, strikes, turning your nose from the stuff from the smell of your
favourite delectable treats.

Gaining some weight during pregnancy is the sign that you’re eating sufficient to support your baby’s needs for a healthy delivery. Depending on your pre-pregnancy weight, you should aim for 25 to 35 pounds increase in weight. During the first trimester, morning sickness is quite common, and therefore a normal woman gain somewhere between two to four pounds. At this point, the foetus size is small and the nutritional requirement is also less. But, at the start of the second trimester, if your appetite is nowhere, not meeting the weight gain requirement, it is must for you consult a doctor for a diet plan.

What to Do, If You Are Suffering from Appetite Loss?

Drink Up

Remain hydrated, have sufficient fluids-, be it the water or juices- but stay away from carbonated drinks. At Least, aim for six glasses of fluids a day, also can take nausea-friendly ginger or lemon tea.

Don’t Overeat Something

Satisfy your cravings in small amounts, and have a variety of stuff, otherwise, it might lead to nausea for one particular overeaten dish.

Eat Lightly

For times, when your good appetite makes a guest appearance, consume a meal plate power packed with protein
and complex carbs, as this will manage your body sugar levels. Bananas are also smooth digestible fruit, have a small cup of yoghurt for enhanced protein and calcium intake. Lastly, eat lightly, to stay light.

Wrapping up, follow the above tips, and you will feel good and healthy.

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