Pregnancy is a critical phase in a couple’s life, as it determines how the life going to be for both of them in the coming years. Therefore, a lot of thought process is indispensable when preparing for pregnancy, and not just listen what your well-wishers say. Here we’ve put forth a list of things you need to take into account when planning for your first pregnancy:
1. Fix a Preconception Date with Your Doctor
Before taking the most important decision of taking a plunge into the world of parenthood, where you have to confront with a new set of responsibilities, it’s advisable to see a pregnancy specialist practitioner for a preconception check up. The doctor will scrutinise your personal and family history, like what medications or supplements you intake and your recent health problems if any. He or she will provide you with the information on medicines to avoid when you are trying to conceive, and also during the pregnancy phase of nine months.
2. Give up All Your Bad Lifestyle Etiquettes- Smoking, Drinking, and Drugs
If you are a smoker or a wine drinking enthusiast, now it’s the time to bid farewell to all such dangerous lifestyle addictions. Many global studies have revealed that smoking and drinking alcohol augment the likelihood of premature birth, miscarriage, and low-birth weight baby. Also, several researches propose that drugs such as tobacco can lower your male partner’s sperm count. And, not just this, secondary smoke can hamper your ability to get pregnant.
3. Incorporate Healthy Stuff in Your Diet
Before both of you embark on a mission of pregnancy, stock up the fridge and kitchen cabinets with some health stuff green vegetables and fruits. Food, which is high on calcium content such as a milk and yoghurt should be a part of your diet. Also, eat a variety of protein-rich stuff like the beans, soy products, meat, and nuts. Lastly, as a rule of thumb, keep away from non-seasonal fruits and vegetables.
4. Create and Adhere an Exercise Plan
Believe it or not, regular exercise is the secret to a healthy living, and many survey and studies tell creating and adhering to a workout program can reward in a woman’s pursuance of getting pregnant. For this, you can talk to a trainer to craft an exercise plan based on your age and lifestyle.
5. Consider Money Matters
To be frank, pregnancy and raising a child in today’s scenario of global recession and high customer index rate is tough, therefore, don’t feel timid to have heart-to-heart with your partner and discuss deduce whether you are financially equipped for this or it’s too early for your unstable job.
To Wind Up
Having a child is a lifetime commitment, therefore analyse your decision thoroughly and it’s best to get some experienced advice from your ‘old-timers,’- parents and relatives, who have been through this situation.